Years ago, I became very frustrated and pretty much threw in the towel on the whole idea of BRANDING. I struggled to figure out how to BRAND all the layers of my life as: Author, Conference Speaker, Decorator, Bible Teacher, Writing Workshop Instructor and Vocalist.
Cultivating a genuine connection with one's individual audience is the most important piece to developing a BRAND. But, I'm a firm believer in allowing room for each season of life to reshape and re-brand our "WHY" - as we go along.
In this season, the many layers of my life tell a story of a crazy-creative girl who simply strives to go courageously utilizing every ounce of creative juice given me by valuing people and all things beautiful in the way I invest myself. BRANDING sends a message to the world of who we are and answers our "WHY."
Why do we do the things we do?
I write to encourage.
I speak to inspire.
I decorate to create beauty that makes people feel connected to warm and welcoming spaces.
I teach to give back all that I've learned on my journey in a crazy demanding, always competitive writing world.
I sing to give my soul a voice,
But, in a much too noisy world, perhaps you can relate to my wonder:
Why does the world needs to know we are here at all?
As a Writer who also teaches at various Writer's Workshops, I've come to realize the importance of honing the essence of all we each bring to the world. Otherwise, how can we help others discover all they have been gifted to bring to the world?
It really doesn't matter what profession you are in or that you have a pen-to-paper BRAND written out. What matters is that you tell your story, without shrinking back or comparing yourself with others. Give the world your truest truth. Be the most authentic version of the person God created YOU to be, because...

ALL of you!
All or your past, present, and future experiences working together to create your own personal layered BRAND.
All the good, bad, and the ugly-working together-helping to shape your passions, and dreams. Until...the overflow of ALL you truly are - makes your tiny little corner of the world know "WHY" you are here!
My brother was the kind of person who made the world a better place. The essence of who he was, at his core, made everyone want to be better. His career path was: Football Coach. His BRAND - empowering others to achieve greatness by modeling greatness. His last words to me, literally, transformed my life's purpose and helped me to answer my "WHY."
He said:
"Live Your Life To The Fullest." _Dennis Roland
Thank you, brother, for these powerful, life-altering, brand-building words. Although I'd heard those words before they seemed to have brand-new meaning coming from one who had lived life to the fullest, with a no-tolerance policy for anything that represented him poorly.
Friend, living life to the fullest is to embrace the whole of who you are. May all your layers represent the BEST of who you are. Enjoy the process of living your story. And, as you do, you will help your corner of the world to come alive with the power of your "WHY" inspiring 'life to the fullest' discoveries.
(Thank you, Rachel Mains, for the excellent job of creating my new website. You truly made all the layers of my life make sense and I'm so honored to share your excellent work!)
If you are interested in having a website built or revised, please go to: E3Assistance.com
You'll be glad you did!