Spring is piercing through the gray of winter and I’m loving the new life it brings. How about you? Our busy lives sometimes hinder us from stepping outside to enjoy the brilliant colors.
But spring delivers—right to our doors.

How blessed we are to welcome spring in all its glory, inside of our homes—embracing colorful floral arrangements displayed in vintage vases or tucked inside simple mason jars.

Rather than peering through a window to enjoy the beauty of spring, we are blessed to physically go outside to gather its beauty, sometimes in abundant supply. But if we’re not physically able to go, we can ask a friend or a family member to bring them in for us. What better way to cheer us up and de-winterize our souls?
Children and grandchildren find joy in picking flowers. Let’s give our little loves opportunities to learn to give back. A simple way to intentionally cultivate servant-hearted little people who grow up to be servant-hearted adults, is to allow them opportunities to serve. And a beautiful way of allowing them to serve is to encourage them to bring the outside in to us.
If your thumb is purple like mine instead of green, you breathe on your plants and they die, instead of thriving. Take heart, friend. A store-bought floral bouquet brings as much life, light, and love into your home as cut clippings fresh from the outside.

So bring the outside in. Enjoy some family interaction by researching information about the different kinds of flowers found in your store-bought or garden-grown bouquets. Talk about each stem individually with your children over dinner. Compare their scents, colors, and textures—and investigate their unique differences.
Talk with your children about how each flower is unique—and how God made them unique as well.
Let’s embrace the beauty of springtime in a way we’ve never done before. Whether we live in an apartment, a mobile home, in a mansion, the suburbs, or down a rural, back country road, the world is small since we have access to a vast array of flowers from all around the globe.
As of 2010, there are approximately 400,000 types of flowering plant species noted in the world, according to The Guardian. “More than 600,000 plant names were deleted due to discoveries of duplicate species upon further examination by botanists,” the Guardian says.

This spring, I’m looking forward to long walks with my children and grandchildren. Looking forward to drinking in the fragrance of new life all around us. I’m excited to talk about the magnificent creation of this planet with my little loves. I’m thrilled to take every opportunity springs presents to share about how Almighty God created the heavens and the earth—in all its beauty —in only seven days.
Go. Bring the outside in. Let your heart be full of love and laughter. May you run barefoot through the grass with wild abandon and linger over every flowering scent!
By: LaTan Roland Murphy is a writer, speaker, and teacher who also has a decorating business – Interior Elegance by LaTan. LaTan loves encouraging families to be thankful for what they have and helping them use what they have to create beautiful things. Visit LaTan at http://latanmurphy.com.