Do you have a room in your home that feels “off?” I’ve experienced the same frustration from time to time, and hope to help you resolve this decorating dilemma by offering a few simple tips.
Stand in the doorway leading to the room you feel needs a face-lift and consider the layout. Take careful note of where the windows are located and how the light enters the room. This will help you decide where the television should be positioned so not to have a glare on the screen and it will also be the deciding factor in choosing your paint color.
When I’m decorating, I prefer that the television be placed in the least visible point of the room. This keeps all the messy stuff at bay and offers opportunity for more attractive pieces to take front and center stage.
Next, locate where you want your focal point to be. A focal point is the first point of reference —the place your family and friends will see initially after walking into the room. Your focal point is the heart of your space—the place where your favorite items are placed in an organized way.
So instead of placing random pieces scattered here and there to fill your room, really give thought to what makes you feel good, and give those items center stage. Include lamps, mirrors, plants, and pictures of your beautiful family printed on canvas or in frames. Be creative. And if you don’t have a creative bone in your body, call me or call a creative friend. A quick FaceTime decorating consultation can make all the difference in the world.

If you have a fireplace in the room, that’s great! Your best look will be to decorate around your fireplace, capitalizing it as the centerpiece of your space. If you place most of your furniture away from your fireplace you will run the risk of making the room feel disconnected and cold. Trust me, your furniture and accessories want to be friends with your fireplace. Cozy them near.
If the room you are working on doesn’t have a fireplace, no worries. You can place a mock fireplace in the room by placing a gorgeous antique mantle with battery operated candles below to mimic a fire. Or consider purchasing an electric fireplace.

Don’t be afraid of change, friend. And, don’t be afraid of creating an eye-catching focal point that warms the hearts of everyone who enters your home.
With or without a fireplace, your room can be transformed by simply rearranging the items you currently have. Your focal point might even be your sofa. Use what you have to make every room inviting and peaceful. Until your space feels peaceful, you won’t be at peace.
Consider the size and scale of your sofa and chairs. This is really important. Try different sized accessory pieces until you find the ones that balance in size and scale to your furniture. Be sure to choose decorative items that make your heart sing. And if you want your heart to truly sing, you have to be willing to change things up a bit, friend.
By: LaTan Roland Murphy is a writer, speaker, and teacher who also has a decorating business – Interior Elegance by LaTan. LaTan loves encouraging families to be thankful for what they have and helping them use what they have to create beautiful things. (The decorations and pictures are originals of LaTan Murphy.) Visit LaTan at
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