“Courageous Women of the Bible: Overcoming Fear and Insecurity for A Life of Confidence and Freedom” began as a Bible study about one woman of the Bible—Deborah. I was drawn to Deborah’s courage in the face of defeat, after having experienced the death of a father, brother, two nephews, and two nieces. Deborah encouraged me to remain faithful to my own God-given positioning—regardless of life’s hard circumstances or spiritual opposition.
My acquisition editor liked the concept of drawing from the lives of female biblical characters to help modern-day women learn how to be courageous overcomers. After reviewing my proposal, my agent contacted me with the surprising news: More… the publisher wanted more women of the Bible. After going to God in prayer, I chose ten more courageous souls who are rarely taught. Each left me stunned by our vastly different circumstances, and awed how their struggles, insecurities, and fears—mirrored my own. Each courageous overcomer made me want to be. I found a bit of myself in the stories of each of the eleven women of the Bible and marveled how each one offered life-changing tools to overcome trials, hardships, and struggles.
Deborah inspired me to lead my family by following God’s instructions carefully.
The Widow with two coins inspired me to give, regardless of big fears and insecurities about tomorrows provision. Having lost much, I too, can generously give much.
Jael taught me how to courageously use what God has placed in my hands as a way to defeat the enemy who tries to rob me of my confidence.
Jochebed taught me to release my children into God’s safe keeping and to trust Him with every tomorrow.
These are a few of the women noted throughout the pages of “Courageous Women of the Bible” who left their mark on my heart and helped me see courage coming as I learned the importance of relentlessly seeking my courage giver, daily. How soothing and empowering it was to discover my struggles are the same as the women who lived so long ago. To be reminded of my unchanging God whose faithfulness is shown to his people even when facing fears, anxieties, and insecurities.
Incredible—how a self-proclaimed chicken, like me, could write a book about courage. Truthfully, I never thought of myself as a fearful person. Life has a way of creating circumstances beyond our control. We try to be tough in the face of sadness and defeat and our self-sufficiency can turn into personal pride blocking our honest self-view. We tells ourselves, “If I don’t quit, I can live courageously!
“If I keep the pain inside, I can overcome fear!”
The truth is, it takes real courage to admit we really don’t have it all together. The best decision we can ever make is choosing to confess our need for the courage-giver, Jesus.
After exhaling my self-reliance and perfectionism, I was able to inhale the presence of God and go fearfully in pursuit of all that He is. Daily courage comes as I go confessing:
“I am a perfectly imperfect woman in need of a perfect God.”
It’s amazing how removing SELF opens the way to experiencing courage. But, our struggle to be real is real.
Have you ever struggled to be real with God?
Coming clean with God takes courage.
Courageously confessing who we are not enables us to experience who God is.
This kind of transparency opens the way for God to reshape our most paralyzing fears into power tools that will equip and bless us, and others. And, as God lovingly points us toward the path leading to courageous living, nothing is wasted. Past, present, and future failures become fuel for courageous tomorrows. There’s no need to hide, friend. Long ago, God saw us as we are, but loved us enough not to leave us this way. In Him, our insecurities become confidence and freedom.
What a beautiful journey writing this book has been. How enlightening it was to research God’s Holy Word to find deeper truths about His character while discovering hidden truths about each of these eleven women of the Bible. I pray you, too, will search for the deeper things of God, and discover courage as you do. Don’t sit back and wait for courage to find you. It never will. Seek for the courage-giver, Jesus, and as you do you will find yourself an overcomer—living confident and free.
Go, Courageously, Friends!
Order your copy of “Courageous Women of the Bible: Overcoming Fear and Insecurity for a Life of Confidence and Freedom” by LaTan Roland Murphy here. Or purchase it as an audio book here.
Posted on Inspiration Ministries blog:
As a writer, event speaker, and vocalist, LaTan Roland Murphy finds encouraging others her passion and purpose. LaTan is a two-time Selah Award winner and her book, “Courageous Women of the Bible” was noted Director’s Choice Award Winner, 2019. Learn more at LaTanMurphy.com