What a fun interview I had recently with Award-winning Co-Authors, Lisa Burris Burns and Amber Weigand-Buckley of Leading Ladies (Discover Your God-Grown Strategy For Success), These ladies share my heart in writing about the women of the Bible to empower other women to confidently step into thier God-purpose. Ya'll...we laughed (so much) during our time together-discussing all the crazy body changes we women go through and then going deeper into the many joy-robbing issues we girls face in life.
Both Lisa and Amber were like a dose of some kind of potent vitamin I didn't know I needed, until I left our conversation feeling so alive and filled up. Isn't that what we should all strive for? The pursuit of life-giving conversations that leave us so much better in our mental and spiritual well-being?
If you agree, click on the link below to listen in. Please let us know if you, too, felt encouraged by being reminded of what true joy is and practical ways of protecting your joy for the days to come.
Love and Joy! LaTan
Be sure to visit Lisa and Amber at: https://www.leadingladies.life/