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More of Him, Less of Me

Writer's picture: LaTan Roland MurphyLaTan Roland Murphy

“More of Him, less of me.”   

This has been my prayer for several weeks now.  It was my post on all social media sites, only days ago.  Social Media has been uncomfortable for me. 

Twitter, Blogging, Face book, and LinkedIn – as well as many other demands, wear me out! I remember seeing my pictures posted on face book when I opened an account.  I wanted to shrink back from any kind of anything that half-way appeared self-promoting.

Self-abasing?  If I’m totally honest with you, I do struggle – wondering if all of this ‘hubbub’ gets in the way of representing my heart, purpose, or my prayer:  “More of Him, less of me.”

Embarrassed.  Oh yes!  That was how I felt last week when the blast happened.  Instead of blog post, every testimonial ever posted on my website went out accidentally to all those social media accounts.  My poor friends who subscribe to my weekly blog were suddenly invaded.  Their email boxes laced with, you guessed it…ME!

Or, was it ME?  You see, the lines get blurry.  Anyone in ministry knows we do what we do for the One and only One who called us to this ‘thing’ in the first place.  Yet, there is a huge part of us that wants to shrink back.

Pride?  Perhaps so.  I am not really sure friends.  Is it possible for pride to manifest itself even in humility?  I hope not, but maybe so.  I can tell you in truth, it’s surely not intentional.  All I know is, I struggle.  Not with the call on my life, but with what seems life self-promotion.

I wonder if Beth Moore, Anne Graham Lotz or Joyce Meyers ever felt the same way.  Please know I don’t pretend to put myself or my ministry call on the same level as these sisters.  But I also know God is no respecter of persons.  It would benefit us all to remember that fact the next time we are tempted to compare ourselves with others.

More of Him, less of me” truly is the cry of my heart.

Friends, how are you to know what Christ has done for me – how He changed my life – made a message out of my messes – unless I share? How are you to know about the call on my life to encourage, unless I tell you?  How are you to know when a book is coming out like our soon to be released book:  God’s Provision in Tough Times, unless I post reminders of where you can purchase it?

The many painful roads I have traveled and the stories I share each week on my blog,  are intended to offer hope to you on your own road laced with pain.  So, how can I shrink back  –  allowing my pain, my story, to be wasted? After all, my story is intended to encourage you to share your story…all for His glory.

So friends, I hope my prayer comes through loud and clear, even in the midst of what seems like self-promotion.  I was truly humbled by the sweet posts many of you left last week after the great Tsunami named: Me, Me, Me, came crashing into the shore of your social media sites.  Instead of frustration, you gave me love, support, and encouragement to keep doing the work I am called to do.  You said you know my heart.  That meant the world to me.

And so, I go forward tweeting, blogging; face booking, etc…with that thought in mind.  I will continue to die to myself in surrender as I let go of pride masked as humility. I will promote the gospel in whatever way God says yes to. I will pray  you continue to see:  More of Him and less of me!


Copyright © 2021 LaTan Roland Murphy

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