Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10
EVERY NOW AND THEN, I read something that totally changes me. Today, I am reading a newly released bible, published by Thomas Nelson, Inc., and I must say the change has begun!
IT’S A WELCOMED CHANGE because, I’ve been way too busy, far too distracted, and just a tiny bit complacent about reading God’s word.
TODAY, I realize how much I have taken simple blessings for granted: the blessing of waking up, breathing in the fragrance of fresh coffee, readying my mind to drink in powerful words awaiting me on the chair I’ll soon snuggle into. These words have proven the tests of time. Although written thousands of years ago, the messages remain constant, strong, powerful. transforming.
AND TODAY—I am one American woman, feeling the weight of my need for a Holy God to whisper power in my eager ears. After watching the news, feeling the weight uncontrollable pain caused to others because of evil in the world, I need a word of God transfusion. How about you?
Perhaps you woke up feeling a little less powerful, a lot more insignificant, and hugely unimportant. If so, I want to remind you as the American Woman’s Bible poignantly reminded me today:
Perhaps you never knew?
Throughout history women have been the voice of reason, the strong posts for their men to lean against when life was hard. It was a woman who found the tomb empty, and it was a woman who shared the first exciting news of the resurrection day.
Richard G. Lee, PHD / There’s Hope America writes in the Introduction of the American Woman’s Bible:
We should be reminded that God in His wisdom chose such women as Rahab the harlot of Jericho, the sinful woman of Luke 7, the Samaritan Woman oat the Well and others who were neither Jewish or followers of Christ. Yet through their virtuous acts that pleased God greatly, He placed their story as part of the actual body of the inspired text of the Bible. The women recorded within this volume are presented not to add to or take from the Holy Scriptures but simply to demonstrate how the valuable and enduring principles of our Judeo-Christian heritage have been interwoven into the fabric of our nation through the acts of many notable American women.
The purpose of this bible in particular is to show how living by the values and principals found in God’s holy word can make an individual, community, and nation great. With inserts throughout about American women of the past, this bible points the way for women today.
The word of God on the chair next to me reminds me of how its powerful words provide me the ability to become wiser, stronger, kinder, and a more confident tool for God to use throughout the course of history, as He desires. It offers answers when I feel helpless and hope when I feel hopeless to change the world around me.
As I read The American Woman’s Bible, I feel inspired, renewed and hopeful that one woman (me), and one woman (you) really can change the world around her. How so? By learning from women God used across the course of time and by embodying sound principles found in God’s word.
Embrace the wisdom of your past mistakes, friend, and move forward to make your faith-filled mark in history. The power of heaven lives inside of you! Change the world around you, and be a part of the legacy of women God has used throughout the course of mankind.
Every Joy!
Head to your local bookstore today and purchase a copy of: The American Woman’s Bible Order your copy today!